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Bad trading habits
Bad trading habits

What prevents a trader from making money on binary options?

Pivot Points levels - trade with market makers
Pivot Points levels - trade with market makers

How to determine if a reversal is true?

For beginners
«Speedometer» indicator - more profit with new vfxAlert
«Speedometer» indicator - more profit with new vfxAlert

The "Speedometer" indicator in the new version of vfxAlert.

Employment rate or how to trade unemployment
Employment rate or how to trade unemployment

How employment statistics affect the economy and financial markets

Basics of binary options: market maker traps
Basics of binary options: market maker traps

How to recognize market maker traps?

For beginners
How to become a good trader?
How to become a good trader?

How does a trader's psychological state affect the success of a trade?

For beginners
We earn money on fundamental analysis
We earn money on fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is one of the most effective how to make money on binary options.

For beginners
How to install vfxAlert on Ubuntu
How to install vfxAlert on Ubuntu

Instructions how to install vfxAlert on Ubuntu

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Price reversal: open an option or not?
Price reversal: open an option or not?

Who knows how to make money on binary option when the rollback starts?

For beginners
Profitable options with the Parabolic SAR
Profitable options with the Parabolic SAR

Find out how to make money on binary option with Parabolic SAR indicator in this article.

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