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Get vfxAlert PRO With Telegram Stars

Get vfxAlert PRO With Telegram Stars

You can pay for a PRO license for vfxAlert signals in the store on the official website and through the Telegram bot.

Do not purchase a vfxAlert PRO license from other websites, as this carries a high risk of losing your capital.

To pay for vfxAlert PRO using Telegram Stars, follow these steps:

  1. Log in or register on the website.

  2. Connect your Telegram account to your profile in the user dashboard

  1. Accept the invitation to connect your Telegram account to the Telegram app.

  1. After successfully connecting your account, select the PRO license in the store and click Buy.

  2. In the payment method selection window, choose "Pay with Telegram Stars." You will receive an invoice for payment in Telegram Stars. Open the Telegram app and complete the payment.

Watch this video to see how you can Get vfxAlert PRO With Telegram Stars:

If you don’t have enough Telegram Stars in your account, you need to purchase them:

  • Log in to your Telegram account.

  • Go to Settings.

  • In Settings, select "My Stars," then click "Buy Stars" to purchase them.

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Waxa laga heli karaa calaamadaha vfxalert ee ujeeddooyin macluumaad oo keliya sinaba sinaba looma hage tilmaamo wax qabad. Mulkiilaha goobta iyo barnaamijka ma aqbalayo mas'uuliyad kasta oo ku saabsan adeegsiga macluumaadka lagu soo qoro websaydhka iyo barnaamijka vfxAlert, wixii khaladaad ah. Macluumaadka degelkani kama dhigna wax bixin guud.